A so-called office. And generator of the life in this 23rd floor APT. In which this blog is written. To share the world some must-be-tried meal. Together two other kitchens also contribute. Their food from two other different parts of the world.


oimo no oyaki

  • kentang 1/3
  • nasi 3 sdm
  • chillimenjako 1 sdm
  • mayonaise 1 sdm
  • salada oil sedikit
  • soyu sedikit

Cara membuat:
  1. Didihkan kentang, kemudian mashed.
  2. Tambahkan nasi, chilimenjako, dan mayonaise.
  3. Aduk rata. Buat 5 cm diameter adonan seperti koloke.
  4. Goreng sampai permukaan kecoklatan. Bolak balik.
  5. Oleskan soyu dengan brush.

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