A so-called office. And generator of the life in this 23rd floor APT. In which this blog is written. To share the world some must-be-tried meal. Together two other kitchens also contribute. Their food from two other different parts of the world.


Simple miso nikomi

simple miso nikomi.JPG

  • Dashi jiru 1 cup
  • Wortel, radish, mushroom: 40 gr, iris tipis2.
  • Udon 3 sdm
  • Miso 1/2 sdt
Cara membuat:
  1. Rebus dashi jiru, masukan semua veggies dengan api kecil. Didihkan sampai matang dan lembek.
  2. Masukan udon, beri miso. Matikan api. Jangan didihkan lagi setelah diberi miso. Sajikan.

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