A so-called office. And generator of the life in this 23rd floor APT. In which this blog is written. To share the world some must-be-tried meal. Together two other kitchens also contribute. Their food from two other different parts of the world.


Cah Bayam

  • Water spinach 1 ikat
  • Bawang putih 3 siung
  • Garam 1/2 sdt
  • Vegetable oil 1 sdm
Cara membuat:
  1. Cuci bersih bayam, potong-potong 4 cm
  2. Gempruk bawang putih, cpotong kasar.
  3. Panaskan wajan, beri minyak.
  4. Masukan bawang putih, tumis sampai harum (jangan sampai gosong). Beri bayam, aduk sampai bayang layu. Beri garam, aduk cepat, angkat

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