A so-called office. And generator of the life in this 23rd floor APT. In which this blog is written. To share the world some must-be-tried meal. Together two other kitchens also contribute. Their food from two other different parts of the world.


Concertina Garlic Potatoes

  • kentang besar 2
  • bawang putih 2 siung
  • mayonnaise secukupnya
Cara membuat:
  1. Panaskan oven 200F/200C
  2. Iris2 kentang setebal 5 mm, tapi jangan sampai putus.
  3. Iris bawang putih tipis-tipis
  4. Selipkan tiap irisan bawang putih diantara irisan kentang.
  5. Masukan dalam loyang, panggang selama 1 - 1 1/4 jam atau sampai lembek
  6. Beri mayonnaise diatasnya, sajikan
Sumber: fat-free classics by Anne Sheasby

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